Review and Comment Meeting

The Secretary of State's office has contacted myself and the other individual behind this petition (two are required - I am protecting the privacy of the other individual until I receive permission to use his/her name), and we have scheduled a review and comment meeting to be held Thursday, December 18th at 3:30 pm.

The purpose of the Review and Comment meeting, according to the Steps for Placing an Initiated Proposal on the Statewide Ballot document, is to:

1) review wording of an initiative with the proponents so that the initiative accomplishes the proponents' intent and

2) give the public notice that a proposal on a given topic is under consideration.

Before the meeting, staff from the SoS' office will prepare written suggestions for my initiative, and provide them to me so that I can come to the meeting prepared. I can use the suggestions I am provided, but only if I wish to do so.

Right now, I have the feeling I've opened a can of worms - I'm not going to be able to close the lid on this until I either succeed in getting the initiative onto the ballot or fail to do so.