Recently, I was sent a copy of a Certificate of Nominations from Maryland. This is the document the Republicans provided to certify that John McCain had been nominated at their convention. It is signed by two party officials, and states that McCain is eligible for the office of President. I found this very interesting, and a letter to one of those who had signed their name : Jean Inman, Secretary of the Republican National Committee:
Ms. Inman,
I was recently sent a copy of a Certificate of Nominations from the state of Maryland that bears your signature. The reason that I am writing you is that I am trying to determine who makes sure our Presidential candidates are qualified to hold office, and the document you signed states:
"We do hereby certify that... the following person, meeting the constitutional requirements for the Office of President of the United States... w(as) nominated for such office to be filled at the ensuing general election...."
My question for you is this: As someone who certified John McCain as Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President, what evidence was presented to you that allowed you to make such a determination? I ask, of course, because there has been much discussion about Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama's qualifications during this election cylce - and you are the first person I've seen that actually certified a candidate as constitutionally eligible - so I believe you might possess the information I'm looking for.
I thank you for your time, and for your service to our country. I am sorry that things didn't work out for your candidate this year, but I am certain the Republicans have a bright future in store.
Your Fellow Citizen,
Justin W. Riggs
Maryland's Certificate of Nominations
Posted by
Justin W. Riggs
Tuesday, December 9, 2008